ASPNET WebApi服务器三种承载方式:SelfHosting,IIS Hosting, WinService Hosting
ASPNET WebApi服务器三种承载方式:SelfHosting,IIS Hosting, WinService Hosting
Running your api as Windows services can have multiple advantages, especially when working on bigger projects. This allows for multiple services to run in isolation and gives fine grained control over your system components.
ASP.NET Web API ships with self-hosting feature that allows to run HTTP service outside of IIS. This can be easily used in Windows services. In this blog post I am going to show how to host Web API service inside of Windows service, using both Windows Service Visual Studio project template andTopshelf library.
Internet Information Services (IIS)
IIS is the acronym for Internet Information Services. It is the set of feature extension modules that are created by Microsoft. IIS is an integral part of the Windows Server products. It supports the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) etc. IIS is not turned on automatically when Windows is installed.
Benefits of IIS Hosting
When we host the Web API in IIS , it is deployed and managed like other IIS applications.
When we host the application on IIS, it can provide the process activation and recycling capabilities that increase the reliability of the hosted application.
The Web API is hosted on IIS, that simplifies the development and deployment of hosted services.
Now I will define the procedure of hosting the Web API on an IIS server.
//来源:C/S框架网( QQ:23404761
1. Win服务承载(Windows Service Hosting宿主)
Running your api as Windows services can have multiple advantages, especially when working on bigger projects. This allows for multiple services to run in isolation and gives fine grained control over your system components.
ASP.NET Web API ships with self-hosting feature that allows to run HTTP service outside of IIS. This can be easily used in Windows services. In this blog post I am going to show how to host Web API service inside of Windows service, using both Windows Service Visual Studio project template andTopshelf library.
ASP.NET Web API附带自托管(Self Hosting)功能,允许在IIS之外运行HTTP服务,在Windows服务中很容易使用。
C# ASP.NET WebApi服务器搭建详解 - Win服务承载(Windows Service Hosting宿主)
2. IIS服务承载(IIS Hosting IIS宿主)
Internet Information Services (IIS)
IIS is the acronym for Internet Information Services. It is the set of feature extension modules that are created by Microsoft. IIS is an integral part of the Windows Server products. It supports the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) etc. IIS is not turned on automatically when Windows is installed.
Benefits of IIS Hosting
When we host the Web API in IIS , it is deployed and managed like other IIS applications.
When we host the application on IIS, it can provide the process activation and recycling capabilities that increase the reliability of the hosted application.
The Web API is hosted on IIS, that simplifies the development and deployment of hosted services.
Now I will define the procedure of hosting the Web API on an IIS server.
//来源:C/S框架网( QQ:23404761
使用Internet Information Server互联网信息服务(IIS) 寄宿WebApi服务器,要确保你的电脑是否安装IIS。
当我们在IIS中托管Web API时,它像其他IIS应用程序一样被部署和管理。
Web API托管在IIS上,这简化了托管服务的开发和部署。
C# ASP.NET WebApi服务器搭建详解 - IIS服务承载(IIS Hosting IIS宿主)
3. 自承载,自托管(Self Hosting)
Self Hosting是指ASP.NET WebAPI运行在一个控制台应用程序中,使用OWIN组件托管WebAPI框架。
Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN) 定义了.Net Web服务器和Web应用程序之间的抽象逻辑。
自托管意味着运行我们的ASP.NET Web API项目在我们自己的Web服务器上而不是使用IIS。
C# ASP.NET WebApi服务器搭建详解 - 自承载(Self Hosting)
.NET WebApi开发框架|MVC框架|后端框架|服务端框架-标准版V1.0
运行平台:Windows + .NET Framework 4.5
开发工具:Visual Studio 2015+,C#语言
数据库:Microsoft SQLServer 2008R2+(支持多数据库:Oracle/MySql)
运行平台:Windows + .NET Framework 4.5
开发工具:Visual Studio 2015+,C#语言
数据库:Microsoft SQLServer 2008R2+(支持多数据库:Oracle/MySql)
CSFramework.WebApi是服务端快速开发框架(后端框架),借助ASP.NET WebAPI底层架构的强大编程能力,封装成为可复用的以及可定制开发的服务端软件模板,CSFramework.WebApi提供可复用的软件架构和开发包,为用户快速轻松搭建基于HTTP协议、HTTPS协议以及支持多种客户端(如:APP、B/S、C/S、微信公众号、微信小程序等)各种跨平台移动终端的服务端应用程序。
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